Listen to Great Music for a Great Cause
Item Number: 107
Item Includes:
- Two tickets to Soul Jam in Woodstock on September 8, 2018
- Wine
- Two wine glasses
- Two Crandall’s Chicken Dinners
The Bands!
1:30-2:00:Β Accoustic Set
2-2:20:Β Andy Glaysher
2:30-2:45:Β District 214
2:55-3:10:Β Rocco/Brett
3:20-3:40:Β The Bruces and the Mentors
3:50-4:10:Β Split Hook
4:20-4:40:Β Wheelhouse
4:50-5:10:Β Bag of Jammers
5:15-6:Β The Evening Attrcation
6-7:30:Β Ginger Road
More information on Soul Jam 2018 ->ΒΒ