Just an hour of your time can make a difference!
Did you know that approximately 10,000 individuals turn 65 daily? McHenry County has the fourth fastest growing senior population in the state and research indicates that this population will grow 157% in our country by 2030. As more and more of our community reaches retirement age, SCVN’s need for volunteers becomes even more dire. Being a volunteer for Senior Care Volunteer Network not only provides our county’s seniors with services they so desperately need, it provides you, the volunteer, with invaluable benefits as well. Not only do you gain the benefit of giving back to your community, you also get to have full control and autonomy of when you volunteer and what you volunteer to do. Our website portal system allows you to scroll through all of SCVN’s current requests and choose what fits in your lifestyle and schedule. From driving a senior to their doctor’s appointment to providing a friendly visit, the opportunities to give back are endless.
Interested? Click the Volunteer Interest Form Tab above and fill out your details. We’ll get back to you!
Note: For the protection of our SCVN care receivers and volunteers, a background check is conducted on all individuals. For SCVN volunteer drivers, a driving record check and valid insurance are required.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Senior Care Volunteer Network. The form below enters your information into Assisted Rides, our agency management system. In the comment box, please enter your preferred contact day / times and what volunteer opportunities you’d like to help with.
Thank YOU!

Volunteer Opportunties

Want to give the gift of a lift to one of our seniors in need? You get to choose the rides you take, where you drive, and how far you commute from your home to pick up a ride. Our volunteer drivers receive secondary insurance, training, support, and mileage reimbursement if applicable. Lifelong friendships are formed through this service benefiting not only our care receivers but also you!

SCVN partners with the Northern Illinois Food Bank, Countryside Flower Shop, Trader Joes, Locker’s Flowers, Applecreek Flowers, The Pioneer Center, and Diaper Bank of Northern Illinois to provide food boxes, birthday flowers, and incontinence products to our care receivers. Interested in helping to provide these services to our seniors?
Friendly Visits

Whether stopping in to play a game of Rummy, share a pot of tea, or provide relief to a care receiver’s main care giver, our friendly visits are loved by all who participate! Conversations had and relationships built from these friendly visits are cherished by all. Looking to create new friendships and also serve your community? Friendly visits may just be for you!
Home Services

Senior Care also provides services such as quarterly yard work and minor home repair. This is the perfect volunteer opportunity for the able and active body and mind! From weeding to repairing a leaky faucet, these services are invaluable to our seniors. Let us know if this is your area of interest and we will find the right job for you!
Office Help

Would you like to help with our medical lending closet, mailings, answering telephones, and filing important documents to our organization? Give us a call today to discover current openings in our office assistance area of volunteering.